Day 272: A Breath of Fresh Air
Arrrrrrgh! ANOTHER get-up-at-5am-bus-leaves-at-11am day. I tell you, good information is priceless. Cliff and I wound up hanging about for hours before we actually left, but

Day 273: Intercape Mainliner
It was a comfortable night on Tashia’s couch, interrupted only by the once-an-hour shrill of my mobile phone waking me to change the video tapes

Day 274: Cool Run-Ins
So… into the tenth month on the road and I finally, finally reach South Africa, what had, in my original estimation, been the half-way point

Day 275: Five Quid A Page?!
The British High Commission in Pretoria is a little tricky to find – I wandered about for about half-an-hour before I realised that the building

Day 276: A Break for the Border
A little water to help slacken my brain’s outer membrane and I shook off my hangover. Andy and I compared notes from the previous evening,

Day 277: The Nuns of Gaborone
Best blog entry title of The Odyssey? Up at 6am and down to the nearby service station where one goes to cadge a lift to

Day 278: Sunrise
Crikey, I could have done without this early start, but it’s all power for the cause. Today in a move guaranteed to get me another

Day 279: The Highest Pub in Africa
I actually didn’t want to go all the way to Durban – I wanted to get off at a place called Pietermaritzburg. I heard you

Day 280: …And Nothing But The Tooth
Being a massive four months behind schedule now, I don’t really have time for dossing about, but today I really needed to get things done.

Day 281: Hey Ya!
Staggeringly early bus to Swaziland, but I needn’t have bothered. Let me explain; I rose at the butt-crack to get my ultra-early bus across the

Day 282: Havin’ a Mozey
You know when you should really be getting up but you just really can’t be bothered? That was me this morning. Feeling a little bad

Day 283: Back on the Hard Road
First up, buses in Mozambique are not allowed to run at night (no street lights + drunk drivers = too dangerous), which is why the

Day 284: Zambezi-Peasy
But at 5am, I was up an at ’em, kicking ass all the way up to Tete on what was admittedly a dreadful bus journey.

Day 285: The Lilongwe Round
Ah, well you see it’s like this: I’ve been kicking myself (literally, you want to see the whelks on my ass) about Algeria and Libya.

Day 286: Zam, But No Beer
Jason was a Peace Corps volunteer for a couple of years in Malawi (luck of the draw I guess) and decided to stay on and

Day 287: The Slog
The big event of today was crossing the border into Tanzania, which is a little like Tasmania but with different letters. Nation 121. I’ve got

Day 288: Well That Was Easy
So here we are in Dar es Salaam, which means ‘haven of peace’…ahhh, isn’t that nice? Although, it wasn’t too peaceful ten years ago when

Day 289: The Dar Side
Had a bunch of stuff to get done today, but as usual, I neglected my duties and proceeded to faff about instead. That’s a little

Day 290: A Night In
The big news of today was the fact that the boat was delayed until MONDAY – what a surprise!! Today is Saturday. I TOLD you

Day 291: George Lucas Syndrome
I firmly believe that behind every great man, there are a bunch of people telling him he’s an idiot. Conversely, behind every idiot, there are

Day 292: The Shissiwani II
Yesterday was spent creeping around Justine’s apartment like a mouse. I think she’s from Switzerland and I managed to get her to reveal that she

Day 293: Whenever You’re Ready…!
Either I was on the smoothest boat ride that I had ever experienced or when I awoke we hadn’t left port. What do you think,

Day 294: The Grottiest Boat Afloat
Sometimes words fail me. It doesn’t happen very often but blimey this boat is a rotten carcass of grot. All I can think of as

Day 295: Moroni Planet
I was convinced that I’d be on this sticking hole of a boat until tomorrow morning. Imagine my relief when I went onto the bridge

Day 296: Cloud Coup Coup Land
Can’t help but feel that I wasted today. I did waste today. Today was wasted. I got up when I could be bothered, which for

Day 297: The Joy of Mojangaya
One of those mornings where I really, really can’t be bothered getting out of bed, but I haul myself out regardless – after today, there

Day 298: The Secret of My Itchy Feet
An entire day at sea today, so I thought I’d write about how I came to be such a champion adventurer. I’m not really the likely

Day 299: It’s A Mad Mad Madagascar
Yesterday passed with the graceful ebb and flow of the waves, and I am slowly coming to appreciate the grandeur to life on the deep

Day 300: I ♥ Madagascar
Dear Santa, Hi, it’s Graham here. Sorry I haven’t written to you in ages. I’ve been a busy boy. I’m currently trying to set a

Day 301: Welcome To Lemurland
Lemurs are one of my favourite animals on Earth. A primate, cut off from his cousins in Africa and Asia for over fifty million years,

Day 302: The Road Ahead
My entire route for The Odyssey is mapped out in my head and has been for years so I never bother looking at the route

Day 303: Et Voila!
The Trochetia is great. It makes me sick every time that I think of the Shissiwani II costing me a comparable sum of money for

Day 304: Drink Your Way Around The World
I stepped off the Trochetia and into country 124 feeling marvelously, marvelous about this turn of events. Simply put, I couldn’t have done this any