Day 1,427: Ain’t No Fat Lady Singin’…
Tue 27 Nov 12: IT’S NOT OVER YET!! I’ve still got to get from here in South Sudan back to my hometown of Liverpool. And
Day 1,428: The Same Thing We Do Every Night Pinky…
Wed 28.11.12: I was supposed to be heading back to Uganda this morning at butt crack o’ clock, but it wasn’t to be. I just
Day 1,429: Exiting 201
Thu 29.11.12: It was 5am and I was up and showered, ready to begin my long journey back to the UK. Remarkably, in terms of
Day 1,430: Call My Bluff
Fri 30.11.12: Up at 7am and down to DHL for 8.30pm. Passport – avec Ethiopian visa – in hand (praise be to Lindsey!), I bought
The Return of The Ging!
PIER HEAD, LIVERPOOL: 2.45PM SAT 22 DEC. BE THERE! If you didn’t already get the memo, I will be returning home to Liverpool in time
Day 1,431: Carry On Nairobi
Sat 01.12.12: So after a night of almost no sleep I find myself in Nairobi, ready to get this 6am bus to the border. For
Day 1,432: Badlands
Sun 02.12.12: The ‘badlands’ of northern Kenyan are not so called because they are full of bandits (although there are probably a few still knocking
Day 1,433: Same Same, But Different
Mon 03.12.12: Yet another early start and by 6am we were hurling north towards Addis Ababa on a brand spanking new commuter bus, travelling along
Day 1,434: The New Flower
Tue 04.12.12: I got a phone call at 4am – it was Isit? calling to tell me that the bus was waiting outside. Crikey: when
Day 1,435: Lucy
Wed 05.12.12: Ethiopia is a remarkable place, not least because it was the only African country not to suffer the indignity of colonisation, and not
Day 1,436: See You Tomorrow, Indiana Hughes…
Thu 06.12.12: Day 7 of my epic journey home from Juba began incredibly well. I called the Egyptian embassy and the nice lady told me
Day 1,437: Let’s Blow This Thing And Go Home
Fri 07.12.12: And? Okay. Here’s what happened. Arrived at the Sudanese Embassy at 10.30am, a little early, but I figured it could do no harm.
Day 1,438: The Camelot of Africa
Sat 08.12.12: Before Addis Ababa was founded around 100 years ago (Addis meaning ‘New’ and Ababa meaning ‘Flower’), the capital of what we now call
Day 1,439: The Invasion of Khartoum
Sun 09.12.12: Odyssey rules state that I’m not allowed to use private transport over large distances, and so far I haven’t. But there has to
Day 1,440: Tomb Raider
Mon 10.12.12: The Meroe Pyramids mark the southern extreme of Egyptian influence as you follow the course of the Nile river south towards its source.
Day 1,441: Halfa Way Home
Tue: 11.12.12: My phone alarm was set for 2am, as Mr. Mohammed told me that the bus left for Wadi Halfa at 3. Thus began
Day 1,442: The Battle of Lake Nasser
Wed 12.12.12: It was an early start as Mazar left to go help fix what – if it works – could herald a new era
Day 1,443: His Dark Materials
Thu 13.12.12: According to some, in an alternate reality the path I’ve chosen through life puts me in a very different place. Somewhere in the
Day 1,444: I Predict A Riot
Fri 14.12.12: Yesterday the Sinai arrived in Aswan without too much fuss. Danny and Jill, the couple I shared lunch with in Wadi Halfa, slept
Day 1,446: 29.9792°N, 31.1342°E
Sun 16.12.12 So long as the world continues spinning and the sun continues to shine, there will be days. There will be happy days, sad
Day 1,447: Africa Has The Last Laugh
Sun 16.12.12: Kendra, Mohammed, Mohammed, Mohammed and I jumped into the car and headed back to Cairo. Tahrir Square was having some kind of meltdown,
Day 1,448: Asia, One Last Time
Tue 18.12.12: It was teeming down with rain when the ship arrived in Iskenderun. I was feeling rather intolerant of any hanging about, but that’s
Day 1,450: All The Old Turks
Thu 20.12.12: So arrived at Istanbul international bus station bang on 8am and then started the usually fun (but not fun today because it was
Day 1,452: Well, I’m Back
Sat 22.12.12: I had planned a long time ago to return to my hometown of Liverpool on the ferry. Originally it was to be the
Day 1,455: Let’s Hear It
Tue 25.12.12: Merry Christmas everyone! I started this THANK YOU list over 6 weeks ago, and it’s still hopelessly incomplete. These are just SOME of
Day 1,461: And So, In Closing…
Mon 31.12.12: If you’re lucky, very lucky, you might live 30,000 days, about 82 years. You won’t remember much of the first 4,000: you’re just