Day 137: The Road To Casablanca
The plan was to get the 7.30am bus to the coast. However, however, however… we got a taxi to the southern bus station (a good

Day 138: Due South
The connection to the desert town of Dakhla – the furthest south one can go on public transport in Morocco – was seamless. I had

Day 139: The Mauritania Disaster
Yawning and creaking, I staggered off the bus. It was still dark in Dahkla. After a particularly weird conversation involving the local police and a

Day 140: Due North
My bus arrived in Agadir at 6pm. By 7:30pm I was on the bus to Rabat, safe within my womb. I touch no-one and no-one

Day 141: Letters of Transit
Now I know how Ilsa felt. But at least she had Rick to save the day. I arrived in Rabat at 5am. I tried to

Day 142: Access Granted
I just found out that this change in the rules about getting a visa on the border came into effect LAST WEEK. Bad timing or

Day 143: The Sahara, Again
The bus dropped me off in the desert town of Tan Tan at 7am. The guy in the ticket office back in Rabat assured me

Day 144: Er, Why Are You Here?
I stayed in Auberge Du Sahara camping in Dahkla and would thoroughly recommend it. It only cost about a fiver and they even made me

Day 145: It’s Gonna Cost Ya…
And so my journey took me to the most expensive country so far. More expensive than Japan, Norway and London PUT TOGETHER. I am talking,

Day 146: Night-Trip to Gambia
So Mentor and I hit the streets to find a way to Cape Verde. We go down to the beach where all the fishermen are.

Day 147: Go On Then, Just This Once…
I got on the internet this afternoon and GUESS WHAT?! I will have to go BACK to the Gambia because after checking my GPS, I

Day 148: Limbo
Still waiting on Mentor to get me on a boat. I’m sitting here in the pile of concrete, dust and junk that is Dakar, twiddling my

Day 149: The Answer’s No, Now What’s The Question?
All of the stuff that was supposed to happen, all of the stuff that Mentor ‘had a good feeling about’ has come to nought. Still

Day 150: Voodoo Economics
The two boats that I might have had an outside chance of getting on have said no (not surprised when I’m not there in person

Day 151: Wish Me Well
This will be my last blog entry for a little while. I leave on HMS Deathtrap tonight. I better leave you all some particulars. The

Day 152: Famous Last Words
I got to the fisherman’s beach just after midnight – there she was, the Mustapha Sy – a wooden long boat just two metres wide

Day 153: Ninjas and Heroes
As I kid, I was always HACKED off that the BBC in their infinite wisdom altered the name of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to

Day 154: You Came In THAT Thing?
Hello and welcome to all you newbies to The Odyssey blog. I got a little press coverage in the UK last week, so I’m guessing

Day 155: Do Not Pass Go…
We were awoken at 6am by the guards. Still no phone call or anything. I began (very vocally) protesting against my treatment. At the very

Day 156: There’s No Night Out In The Jail
I felt like one of the ‘victims’ of the Milgram experiment. Only I wasn’t pretending. I was given no change of clothes, there was no

Day 157: The Call
We had now hit the fourth day of my illegal incarceration on the island of Santiago. I had been held beyond the 24-hour limit of

Day 158: It Gets Worse
I would find out later that my parents sussed out where I was being held and spent all day yesterday trying to phone me, but

Day 159: Habeas Corpus
On Monday morning, Captain Mbeye and I were taken away with four others. We (typically) weren’t told were they were taking us, but it turned

Day 160: Getting The Hell Out Of Here
This morning I woke up at Piran’s place with a little bit of a hangover. (Those pints last night were actually litres.) Piran loaned me

Day 161: The Return of Little Al
Woke up at Piran’s place only to discover that over the last two nights he had been sleeping on the floor in the lounge having

Day 162: Ploughing On
Was hoping for some good news today, but got none. The Micau is actually going to leave Sal and come here to Santiago, which saves

Day 163: A Midsummer Night’s Mare
Today passed as if in a dream. I spent the entire day at Café Sophia reading a book, waiting for something to happen. It didn’t.

Day 164: Bar Trekkin’
Mito tracked me down in the morning and we went for a walk along Praia beach, and made our way to Kappa for a drink.

Day 165: Peace, Inc.
With nowt to do, I got up late and headed over to Café Sophia for a beer and to read a book. I got chatting

Day 166: Graham’s War on Woo!
Travel broadens the mind. Or so they say. I’m always a little sceptical about what they say, I would proffer that it is education that

Day 167: The Light At The End Of The Tunnel?
Mito rang with some good news – my boat, the Micau, was in port! And would be leaving tomorrow! Wonderful news. I got excited and

Day 168: Take A Deep Breath…
Woke up, excited and invigorated. The Odyssey is back on the road!! All I have to do is pay the shipping guys and get my

Day 169: Are You Still Here?
“Are You Still Here?” asked a kid this morning as I walked down for breakfast at Café Sophia. I told him my boat would be

Day 170: The British Film Insanity
I think my boat is going to leave today, but I still don’t know. At the moment I am sitting outside Café Sophia using Mito’s

Day 171: Architecture and Morality
Yesterday, I waxed lyrical about the (lack of) British film industry, and now while I’m stuck in Cape Verde, I’d like to draw your attention

Day 172: Modern Piracy
So I’m still here in Cape Verde. My boat SHOULD be leaving tomorrow, but to be honest I’m not holding my breath. Today, I whiled

Day 173: In Praise Of Science
Did I really expect to be leaving today? I am that stupid? The Micau is still out there in the water, bobbing up and down

Day 174: This Is A Low
Last night, I met with a really lovely girl from North London called Pricilla. She’s been working for UNICEF in Guinea-Bissau, one of the more

Day 175: Tomorrow Never Comes
The boat did not come in last night. It will not be leaving today. It’s been three weeks since I arrived here. Three weeks out

Days 176 to 181: Time Is Running Out
Day 176: The Apology 25 June 2009 This is getting beyond a joke. Today was spent in a frantic state of despair as the Micau

Days 182 to 184: Meeting People Is Easy
Day 182: We Are Nowhere And It’s Now 1 July 2009 One thing that Café Sophia is good for, is meeting people. Possibly because there

Days 185 to 188: Ticket To Ride
Day 185: Amazing News!!! 4 July 2009 A couple of weeks ago, I met an American girl named Callie Flood, who was ex-peace corps. After

Day 189: Real England
Well, as predicted, the Micau didn’t leave. Christ, they must be running out of excuses now. Maybe a black cat crossed the path of the

Days 190 to 193: The Great Escape
Day 190: On The Beach 9 July 2009 Perhaps I should have mentioned this before – Val, the guy who was ‘helping’ me last week

Days 194 to 197: Dolphins and Doldrums
Day 194: Ray The Ray 13 July 2009 Wow! I can honestly say that I have never seen anything like this before. There was not

Days 198 to 201: The Odyssey Reloaded
Day 198: The Approach 17 July 2009 Wahwahweewah. Friday! Are we still at sea? It would appear so. No sign of Dakar yet, but the

Days 202 to 205: The Journey to Freetown
Day 202: The Wheels On The Bus Go FWAP FWAP FWAP 21 July 2009 As the dawn was breaking ahead of us (myself and two

Day 206: Drunk n’ Laughing
I was reading a book recently about a deaf guy who worked for the Peace Corps in Zambia. It was a ripping yarn, but one

Day 207: In Tidy Attire
Had a bloody superb Sunday. Nowt to do, I slept in, uploaded my videos, wrote some blog, chatted to Mand, HAD A BATH! Oh yeah,

Day 208: The Brain Drain
It was an early start as I left the comfort of Paul and Helga’s place, said my hearty cheerios and headed to the Liberian embassy

Day 209: His Darkest Days
The popcorn was sweet. Just like Sierra Leone. I sprung out of bed at the unholy hour of 4am, because that’s when I heard that

Day 210: V is for Visa
Shadi woke me up at the reasonable time of 7am and I made ready to do my thang – first off to the bank for

Day 211: Into Rebel Territory
The driver fixed the tyre around 3am and we got into Ganta ten minutes later. I tried to check into a hotel for a few

Day 212: Wined and Dined in Cote D’Ivoire
I. LOVE. COUCHSURFING!!! Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. Now, where was I? Oh yes, Danané, Cote D’Ivoire. Got to the bus

Day 213: Rockatansky!
Aja and I had a good chat over breakfast about the future of Cote D’Ivoire. She says that she’s as optimistic as she can be

Day 214: Togo-A-Go-Go!
I had a chance to charge up my batteries and check my e-mails for the first time in God-knows-how-long. There was no way of progressing

Day 215: Ben In Benin
An exceedingly frustrating day – first up, the Niger embassy was closed because it’s Independence Day over there at the moment. It’s going to be

Day 216: The Land of Honest Men
Once dawn had crept up on us unawares, the driver finally took us to our destination. A bus journey to the next town and then

Day 217: Songs For The Deaf
Frederick offered me a lift over the border on his bike, so at the cock’s call, we were hurtling towards Niger at a great rate