After another night of tossing, turning, giving up and reading until light. Today I kicked around one the bridge with the Captain for a little while before getting a tour of the engine room with Siggi, the Chief Engineer – blimey! – I thought that the engine on the Reykjafoss was big! This put it in the shade: built – bizarrely – by Kawasaki (seems they only make very small or very large engines and nothing in between) the thing was spread over two floors. Twenty Thousand Horse Power! Wowsers!
Wasn’t much else to do today so I contented myself watching DVDs on my own in the TV room. Still would like to know where everyone else on the ship is hiding.
Sounds like the Red Dwarf.
Nice work, I’m waiting to see the video from the Twenty Thousand Horses 🙂
Best luck, from Iceland.
Siggi, the chief engineer, M.V. Dettifoss