Graham David Hughes was born in Liverpool at the wrong end of the seventies. If you had to define in a sentence what drives him perhaps it’s the desire that years from now schoolchildren across the land will be required to learn his date of birth.

From an early age Graham has stood out from the crowd. With his striking auburn hair and encyclopaedic knowledge of smutty jokes he was always going to be noticed and he has grown up into a person that once you meet him, he’s hard to forget.
Madcap Schemes
Graham has always had a plan to make his mark and has always has a madcap scheme or three in the offing — once he finds something he wants to do he sets about it wholeheartedly. He is the one shouting the loudest, his hand is up highest, he is the squeaky wheel after the oil. He is a keen reader, and has a range of knowledge that includes (but goes way beyond) current affairs and copious amounts of pop culture. If you’re ever at a house party with him, be prepared to find yourself deep in conversation about anything from the Crab Nebula to the politics of modern Africa to the films of Akira Kurosawa, via Jabba the Hutt, monkey butlers and Viz Magazine.
Travel & Cinema
Graham’s major passions are travel and cinema, both were cultivated from childhood. He was in Eastern Europe as the map was redrawn after the end of the cold war, and partook in some eccentric summer holidays road-tripping in a Cadillac through the country lanes of Wales. Since leaving Manchester University with a degree in Politics and Modern History, Graham has taken in more of the world – single-handedly travelling around the world in 2002, and picking up his sassy Aussie girlfriend Mandy along the way. A trip to Serbia’s Exit Festival in 2007 took in Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo (amongst others) on a meandering return leg, bringing his ‘country tally’ up to a total of 70.

Music Videos
Since returning to Liverpool, Graham has devoted his time to a number of enterprises, specifically his company, Hydra Studios. With Hydra he has written and directed a number of excellent short films and won the inaugural Liverpool 48 Hour Film Challenge in 2006. From 2002-2008 he was heavily involved in the Liverpool Music Scene, shooting or producing videos for Hot Club De Paris, The Dead 60’s, The Basement, (We are) Performance, Peter And The Wolf, Lyons And Tigers, China Crisis, The Coral, The Real Kicks, The Sonic Hearts, Metro Manila Aide, Kaya, The White Rose Movement and filming for the release of the Arctic Monkeys second album, Favourite Worst Nightmare. He has also written numerous treatments for larger film projects and has developed scripts with the support of the UK Film Council.
Plunging Headfirst

Never one for the ‘normal’ 9 to 5 lifestyle, Graham can normally be found beavering away on a project or painting the town red. Or (more typically) both at the same time. He is at his best with a deadline and a plan of how to get it done. Forever plunging headfirst into new experiences — he’s the guy who always says ‘yes’ and then worries about how he’s going to do it afterwards. Anywhere he lays his head is home for the night. It is this spontaneous and unpredictable attitude that has shaped his life so far, given him some of his funniest stories and his incredibly eclectic group of friends.
THE ODYSSEY EXPEDITION is the culmination of his decade-long dream to travel to every country in the world, set a new world record, raise money for a worthy cause and entertain people along the way. Christ knows he’s been banging on about it long enough.
– Dino Deasha, December 2008
THE ODYSSEY EXPEDITION is the culmination of his decade-long dream to travel to every country in the world, set a new world record, raise money for a worthy cause and entertain people along the way. Christ knows he’s been banging on about it long enough.
– Dino Deasha, December 2008
Hi Graham, hope all goes well for your next adventure to Nauru. It was good fun having you on our cruise around NZ. We had a great game of Jeopardise didn’t we? Look forward to seeing how the rest of your amazing Odyssey goes. Love Jane and Caitlin Hackett.
Hee hee! You’d think a Guinness World Record holder from Liverpool would know what the most stolen book from public libraries is!!! (Clue: It’s The Guinness Book of Records!) Oh well, good job that $18,500 was only Monopoly money 😉
Hi Graham,
Sadly Sheila & I are now at home after a wonderful Cruise around New Zealand and then up Brisbane via the Pacific Highway. I dont expect you to remember me from the ship but you shared our table a acouple on nights for dinner. I am the white haired pensioner from West Derby travelling with an old mate from Blackmoor Park days. You won’t remember but I did promise to give details of your adventures to my nephew who will contact you.
Take care
Hi Val,
Of course I remember you! Don’t forget to pop in on my mum and dad for a cup of tea and a natter… they’re expecting you!!!
All the best,
hallo graham
its michael… 4 more to go GODBLESS YOU ON YOUR JOURNEY… m home already… GODSPEED BRO….
Yo Michael!! Thanks for making my time on the Mell Sembawang such an enjoyable one. Enjoy your holiday and keep in touch – I’m sure we’ll meet again (I promise not to do karaoke next time!).
Hallo graham
How are you? And where on earth are you now? Hahahhaha
Hey Michael, hope all is well with you. Are you back on a ship now? Let me know if you’re calling into Sri Lanka any time soon!!
Hey Graham,
I’ve seen a lot of your videos and I am really inspired to travel so thanks for that, I just wanted to ask how much money you started out with? And how much you would advise someone to have if they were going to travel on a year trip without flying?
Hi Samuel!
The amount of money you need to travel the world varies greatly depends on where you go and what you do. For instance, if you were CouchSurfing and travelling around India on the trains, you could probably live for an entire year for less than US$1000. Seriously. Your biggest expense would probably be getting there.
But if you were going to try travelling around Europe, Japan, Australia etc, it’s going to cost you a LOT more – in Australia, for instance, you may find yourself paying AU$15 (US$17) for a pint of lager and AU$25 (US$28) for a dorm bed in a smelly backpackers. For this reason, I wouldn’t recommend a trip there at the moment, unless you’ve got a working visa.
In contrast, you could have your own room in a Bangkok hostel for 300baht – that’s about US$8, dorms are even less. You can pick up a beer for 40baht – that’s less than a dollar.
Your best bet is to look at how much money you have and tailor your trip accordingly. If you’re canny and manage to avoid the honey traps, you could definitely spend a year travelling around the world without flying for $7000. In general, the Indian Subcontinent and South-East Asia are the cheapest places on Earth to travel around. Africa can be surprisingly expensive. If you must visit expensive countries, for heaven’s sake, CouchSurf and don’t get drunk every night (unless other people are picking up the tab!).
On this journey I’ve spent (all in all) less than US$10,000 (£7,000) a year.
Hi Graham David Hughes,
I am already nearing 60 years of age, and plan to travel soon, before I leave this world. But one thing that I have observed…….you write beautiful, straight-forward, simple, clear English ( just like me….ha, ha, ha ). You are a graduate from Manchester U, correct ?
Yes, you are an oddity. You would be surprised, how many of these travellers write broken -english.
Anyway, sorry for this poor-english deviation……and keep up the great travelling works. Hope to see some of your vodeos soon.
From: F
Hello Graham, I’m from Brazil, and reading about your journey i’ve got fascinated. Thats an amazing thing, and I’ve been thinking, planing, and seeking how to do that. As I saw you are doing this, and its fantastic. Also I’d like to ask you some advices for a young person without an experience on that. (the most far lift i’ve got ’till today was over 60km) And to finish, i’ll add, that when you want to come to Brazil, my home is your home, and you’ll be able to enjoy a little bit of this huge and different place.
God Bless you on your trip!
hello i’m from Indonesia and I just want you to know that you inspired me to travel. thank you man.
and if I’m lucky maybe i could spend the night in jail too!
Hola Graham!
I hope you can answer these few questions for me, sir!
First, I am living inMexico City rightnow, traveling about and I am thinking on doing a similar adventure to you. But my message will be playing my gitter and singin for folks all over the globe. Just me, me pack, and me git fiddle. However, I got the couch surf down, the money saved. Just curious of a few things mate.
1. Cargo shipsss. How to arrange them? Websites, or just talking? Costs? Any explanation will do.
2. Trouble with your stomach from eating street food, anywhere?
3. For arranging places to stay besides a hotel, did you mainly use couch surfing and if so how did you arrange the couch, way before hand or just shorty before you arrive to the destination?
4. Tips on safety. (Had a bit of trouble here with poicia corrupcion) Countries to warn me about at the top of the danger list?
I have been moving all over north America (USA), working in recording studios, playing all over the place as a drummer, guitarist, anything. Music is the only thing that let’s me travel and gives me a hope unexplainable… I truly believe that the world is just to big and amazing with tons of sights to see to simply be stuck in me chair at a 9 to 5er… Can’t be done. So that being said. Any advice would be lovely. I look up to your videos as a HUGE inspiration, along with the film (Into the Wild) brilliant film!!! Thanks, pal. Perhaps I’ll see you in Liverpool! I’m planning to leave in 3 months.
ALSO!!! What about the language barrier? Do you speak many languages?
Hi Graham,
As a fellow red-head and passionate traveler, I would just like to say that you are an utter legend and I am very jealous of what you have achieved.
I never would have thought it possible to do what you’ve done and now I can start to believe that traveling doesn’t have to be expensive to have a great time. Papua New Guinea is defiantly top of my list.
PS Have fun in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, the’re both wonderful destinations. If you can visit the tea plantations in Kandy.
Graham, have you ever crossed the Bering Straits? I was hoping to get to Siberia starting from the USA, but the Bering Straits seem impossible for mere mortals. I’m planning to travel in a Mercedes “G” Wagen, so perhaps a gap in a container ship might be my best bet.
Dear Graham! u r kinda hero as well as hero for me.i wish to travel around in ur style means discover places as well as cheap, why dont u invite the travel enthusiasts like me n accompny as well guide or make a group n help us seeing world in ur style………
Well, the honest answer is that it’s hard enough travelling on my own: especially trying to get on boats and things!! Maybe next time!
Hi Graham, this is jowitt from Zambia, we met in Tanzania on that interesting journey… How did you travel to Kampala? tell more later. My best regards
Hey! You are so amazing! I still wondering how you did it but it was so amazing when I read about you!
Hope your feet still ok…
Hello Mr. Graham,
i’m Iranian and so happy, that you visited my country.
I hope, that you enjoyed the resident in Iran.
It’s true, that Iran is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, it’s a jewel!
I’m proud to be an Iranian and I love my country and my nation so much!
People, who visit my country enjoyes the unique natur and the nice people and the hospitality there, so they wants to visit Iran again or wants to stay there!
Wish you all the best in the world!
fantastic! i’m really glad a friend shared your story with me. i love that your ‘mission’ was to go out and prove that the world isn’t a big, scary place… the more you travel, the more you realise that the world is a small place, afterall, and that people are still just people everywhere. travel makes us see and believe in the goodness of humanity. have a safe trip home, sir! 잘다녀오십시오! (have a safe trip home!)
Sorry, you missed one—the Cook Islands, in the South Pacific.
Although many maps list “(NZ)” after the Cooks, they are are an independent country, though not eligible to be in the UN since they carry New Zealand passports.
They were originally “self-governing in Free Association with New Zealand” as of August 4, 1965, but in 1978 they signed a Memorandum of Understanding with NZ whereby they run their own foreign policy. NZ only has a defense arrangement with the Cooks, as do many small nations. They sign international treaties, and NZ has no say whatsoever in anything they do, so they are an independent country.
But despite this omission, congratulations!
Elliot Smith
El Cerrito, California
Honorary Citizen of the Cook Islands
People, I agree that this can be a good thing to do if you want to bet your friends (or write reviews of bus companies) but definitely not an experience worth following – and not the right hero to adore. This man has been everywhere but nowhere. You may prefer spending time by understanding cultures to visiting border crossings.. Only then you will learn to be humble.
What a truly wonderful and inspiring trip. Truly I am envious and wish I had the wherewithal to complete such a journey. Well done.
Graham, I admire your patience on the buses and trains as that would be the most difficult thing to me.
What an inspiring story! I am very jealous, as you must have seen places that are really off the beaten track. What was your favourite country then?
Very inspiring Graham and Congratulations on your super achievement !!. How was your trip to Jordan ? hope you enjoyed it.
Travel without money !!!
is this possible ???
Great accomplishment!
I know there is a lot of debate about what constitutes a definitive list. I wonder what the most definitive list is.
To your list I might have added Greenland, Transdniestr, Aruba, Cayman Islands. You won’t find them at the UN, but when they have full control and autonomy over their land, issue stamps and money (and probably passports), they’re contenders.
FIFA has 209 members, for example, then lists 8 other states that could be members; so 217 in total.
I hope you had a local beer in each country — that would be my bucket list aim.
If we’re going to have Transdniestr, I think we also need South Ossetia, Abkhazia and Nagorno-Karabakh. And if we’re going to have Aruba, what about Bonaire and Curaçao? Montserrat? Bermuda? And then there’s Nuie, Tokelau, The Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Pitcairn… Maybe I’ll do another expedition called ‘The Ones That Got Away.’
Ooh, You should! 😀 😀 😀
Just to also add……..what about visa expenses…..some countries require a visa to enter (eg. Egypt)
I’d read that.
But I think you should start with Greenland for two simple reasons:
(1) It’ll make the map look better, ’cause Greenland stands out as a conspicuous white block in a sea of green right now.
(2) This blog needs more pictures of polar bears!
He’ll have to pick up the trail when Bougainville most likely gets independence.
Yes, yes I will. I’ve got the route all planned out!! I bet I could get there from the UK without flying in a month.
Welcome MATE
But were is Pitcairn? 201? or 204? i will done all pack!
Im not find you in Mos travel People http://mosttraveledpeople.com
regards AND ENJOY!
Nuno Lobito
Woooow men! I just send your story to all my friends! Shit man, crazy guy!
I guess you did kind of a «Map Trip» and schedule for the places you wanted to go, how can I prepare that? Did you establish yourself some kinda of limit of days you could stay in some country?
Do you think taking a tent to sleep for a travel like this it’s available or too risky?
Hoping you have time to answer me.
Congratz from Lisbon!
Hi, I am a single female and would love to travel somewhat like how you did. How did you get on those ships for free? Experience has taught me that people like to gouge hapless tourists. ie even if the ship is sailing, they will try to extort and arm and a leg out of you if you want to get on.
Secondly, if someone has a method of minimising contact with thugs/hustlers/touts eg corrupt policemen, I’m all ears. No one I know of any gender or ethnic background seems to be exempt from these types. I know you went to prison in the congo because of them. As a single female, I can think of worse things….
I will embark on a round-the-world trip soon and am trying to do as much as I can so looking for ways to stay safe and save!
Thanks alot!
Waaow! What an expedition. Giving so much of yourself for a worthy cause is the best reason to live. How I wish many more people share the same positive thoughts about humanity the way you. Humans are essentially the same every where you go. You are likely to come across the rouges that exist every where but that shouldn’t deter us from believing in the essential goodness of humans. Bravo brother. More grease to your elbow and may we have many more like you.
Congratulations Graham. Great work. Dont know whether I want to do this in my life but your story has inspired me for sure. Thanks.
Hi Graham, well done. First of all I really loved a particular expression of yours which said – This trip reaffirmed my faith in humanity. I think at this point we all need to walk on your fottsteps as I believe that is the way foward in the crazy life we are living.
I am an feature journalist for a Sunday Newpaper in Malta and whould like to ask you some questions about your experience on our small island. I found some quote of yours regarding our flag but would like to know when you came to malta? what are your impressions of the island and the maltese? How you got her and on what floating vehicle you left for Tunisia. Is your newt adventure in the oven?
Thanks for you time and I would apreciate if you could send your answers dirictly to my email.
Regards and may I wish you a Happy New Year
Congratulations. I’m looking forward to reading your book!
Well done Graham, you did an inspirational job and all for a good cause.
Congratulations guy, I saw on TV here in Brazil you coming back to Liverpool after this incredible journey. I envy you..you are brave. Thanks for inspire all of us. Let’s go travel more and more. Good Luck.
Never thought I would be grateful for insomnia! Heard you on the radio overnight last night, you have prompted me to check out your website and find out more about your amazing trip. Congratulations, what an inspiration, look forward to hearing more in 2013. Best wishes.
Hi Graham,
Although there will always be debate over how many “countries” people consider there are, one thing is clear – the list of 193 member states of the UN includes the United Kingdom, which itself constitutes the “four home nations” that you refer to. In other words, you can’t claim to have visited these 193 states PLUS four countries which constitute one of those member states. If you’re going to tangle with lists, it’s important that you understand them.
Tom, please, do you really think I’d make such a schoolboy error??
That was said for the sake of brevity – obviously I didn’t have ‘The United Kingdom’ on my list.
193 UN Nations + 4 home nations (England, Wales, Scotland, N Ireland) + 5 others (Vat City, Palestine, Kosovo, Western Sahara, Taiwan) = 202.
You’ll note the big 201 in the top right corner.
Hi Graham,
Thanks for your reply. From what you’ve stated then, the “United Kingdom” hasn’t been included in the final figure of 201. I’m curious, why not count it? It’s a UN member state and you’ve included every other member state.
I’m guessing it’s because by not counting it as a single state, you’re able to claim an extra three “states” by breaking it down into its constituent nations. Not coincidentally I’m sure, this then takes your total count over what I presume you (and the media) imagine is the “magic 200” mark.
For the sake of consistency and transparency, rather than brevity, I’m sure you’ll be keen to amend your list to include the United Kingdom and to exclude the “four home nations”. This will avoid any spurious inferences and risk of negating your claim.
By all means, feel free to copy my adventure and skip Wales, Scotland and N Ireland… it’ll make no difference to the ‘Every Country’ record or the difficulties you will face getting to Nauru without flying. Until then, your pedantry is as amusing as it is unwelcome. Cheerio!
Hi Graham,
Sorry if I upset you. One of the most valuable lessons we can learn from travel is tolerance. I hope in time you will see the futility of turning the world into a game, as a place to speed through as quickly as possible in pursuit of senseless records. I hope in the future you can make a positive contribution to the places you visit. You’ll discover that by doing so, they’ll have a positive influence on you.
Tom you are a giant douche
holy christ, some of the comments on here are incredible !
this guy has gone to every country in the world in a year, and all some sad losers can do is nitpic with ridiculously bitchy jibes. there’s no doubt these are made out of jealousy, and in all likelyhood by people who have spent 6 months sitting in the same tent in the same field “getting to know the place properly” because theyre too skint, too unimaginative, too lazy, and too limited to do something amazing like this guy has done. well done fella, amazing record youve set there.
Hi, well done on your journey 🙂 sounds like a great adventure 🙂 I would be interested to know the breakdown of expenses and how the costs varied from country to country…….can’t believe you could get across england for £10 a day let alone 201 countries…….how did you eat and travel……is there a link to this info?
Also to add, how did you deal with visa charges (eg. Egypt)…….and how did you legally hitch a lift on a cargo ship, surely health and safety would require quite a bit of paperwork for you to be even allowed on………do you know someone that assisted you in the ferry companies?
This trip is a bit of a sham.
I’ve had a brief look through the “odyssey” & there are a lot of countries that can’t be claimed.
ie Marshall Islands, Russia, North Korea, Bangladesh, Bhutan & definitely not Pakistan.
The idea was just to step foot in every country in the world, which he achieved, even if a lot of it was just border hops. 🙂
The question is not whether Graham achieved or failed his aims by shortcutting, cheating or getting in the backdoor without a visa or only spending five minutes in a country but did he stick to the rules as laid out by Guiness. He didn’t set out to visit every country like a normal tourist but his target was to visit every country in the world in one year at a rate of roughly one country every two days and that would have been impossible if he’d have spent half the time visiting the local tourist attractions. In other words this was a race against the clock (I won’t mention the Cape Verde Islands). To claim the world record he has to satisfy GWR that every country he entered was legal and above board and he had two feet on the ground behind that borderline. Any country where he cannot do that should be deducted from the final list i.e. Russia, which in his own admittance he entered illegally. I know he went back there but that was not in the first year when the record was set at 133. I’m sure GWR will scrutinize other border crossings i.e. Cuba and possibly amend the record slightly. Never the less it was still a great achievement no matter how you look at it and as a fellow travel nut I take my hat off to him. Keep on trucking.
How the blithering whatsie can Marshall Islands not be claimed? I spent the day there for heaven’s sake! Oh, and spent three weeks on a cargo ship getting there and back! Russia I returned to last week (see http://www.dev-hell.com for more info on that). Bangladesh and Bhutan are both quite clearly crossed into at official border crossings (as are Chad, Central African Republic, Burundi, Ukraine, Panama etc) and as for Pakistan, I went there on a ship and walked around the port of Karachi. I wasn’t allowed out of the port but so what? I was on Pakistani soil – it counts as a visit.
All in all were are about a dozen countries I crossed into for ten minutes and came straight back out, but I don’t really care as the VAST majority of countries I spent days, if not weeks, travelling through or exploring. Under your rules, the first moon landing was ‘a bit of a sham’ as they only spent 20 minutes on the surface. I really don’t know why they bothered…! *rolls eyes*
Agree with John.
From a comparatively small traveling experience of approx 80 countries it takes much more time and money to do what you claim to have done (I’m sorry, but did you actually get a Pakistan visa then?). I know someone who has been to nearly every country in the world and spent a significant part of their life doing it, a much greater accomplishment in my opinion.
I think I might “step foot” in every country in the world by going to every embassy in London. I’m sure I’ll be done in a few weeks and then set up a website about how great I am.
ps the moon is not the same as Karachi Port…
We’ll have to agree to disagree, but not on Pakistan, you can’t tick that off.
I’d be interested to know how you got around on only £10 a day.
I back-packed around the world for 5 years & spent £35 per day.
P.S. I’ll let the astronauts tick off The Moon.
Some people here really seem to not have understood the whole “race” concept. This wasn’t about spending in-depth quality time in every country in the world; it was a RACE to visit them all without flying as quickly as possible! Graham spent over 4 years of his life on this race, and if he didn’t spend time checking out the local culture of 201 countries, he certainly did so with most of them. The rest, yeah, he border-hopped a few, but who cares?
Sure, just running off the ship in Karachi Port and back on again might not give him a ton of insight into Pakistani culture, but it still counts as a visit to the contiguous land of the country, which is within the rules of this journey. What exactly is the big problem here?
Inspirational a life time dream accomplished in just a few years.
I am starting to explore the whole/blog website very interesting journals
I have a few question which you might have answered already if you have done so please accept my apologies.
So do you know if there is anybody who has been to the same amount of countries using the aeroplane?
besides the environmental impact of the aeroplane is there any reason why you decided to excluded from your trip?
is there any explores or adventures form the past who attempted a similar feat?
Well than you for your very entraining blogs
I specially liked the stuff on conspiracy theories I was laughing out-loud!
Hi! We are in Portugal, on island of Porto Santo ..
You’re very crazy!! we liked all your storys!!!!
Actually we’re doing some work about you and your trip around the wordl, for a English classe.
We are show your trips for our classe, i hope they like much as we.
*Sorry if our English is bad, i hope you understand!
We would like you reply our comment, Thank you!*
Thelonious Monk once said, “Ignore the hecklers”. 🙂
I love reading about and watching the videos of your adventures!! I once spent 10 days in New Papua in Tembagapura and the surrounding area. Changed my life.
Congratulations and good luck on your future journeys.
Ok – Everyone who says they know someone who has travelled, but not actually done it themselves, they are the ones complaining that Graham’s amazing (Hat’s off to the lad – Cowboy Hat) Let me tell you all. travelling on public transport is damn hard. The reason why Graham’s achievement is special, is because NO ONE in the world has ever done it before. Absolutely amazing effort. I am a novice compared to Graham at 100 countries – To be honest I include French Polynesia in that 100, but those of you that have not been there but have seen it in an atlas will say it is France, so doesn’t count. Let me tell you, it is ten thousand miles from France, so I count it as a country on it’s own. So there. If you have been to the Falkland Islands it doesn’t mean you have been to the UK. Get a life all of you couch potatos. His efforts should be celebrated. The first person in the world to go to every country without flying, and he is a fellow Scouser. Well done. If I had a hat I would take it off to you.
By the way I was in Andorra for half an hour in the 80s, but it still counts. I got out the bus, bought a hot dog, walked around abit, smelled the air, so I’ve been.
Bartholomew Start
Is John Soar just jealous of Graham’s achievement?. Who cares if it costs £10 or $35 a day, the point he is trying to make, is, that you don’t have to be well off to travel, you can do it incredibly cheaply.
So next time you are in Liverpool and you are standing at the PierHead, even for half an hour – we will remind you, that you are not really in Liverpool. What nonsense!!!
So Obama has meetings across the globe with world leaders and calls in for a whirlwind meeting with Assad of Syria, but he is only there at Damascus airport and the meeting only lasts 2 hours, so he was never there.
Bartholomew Start
PS – I still need to meet Graham for that pint in “The Sefton” which is in West Derby, unless you are John Soar, in which case It isn’t!!
Graham, what an awesome collection of adventure. I watched the youtube video of the countries you visited and it was amazing to see what you have accomplished. I’ve always wanted to travel the way you have and maybe one day I will. Thank you for sharing this experience with everyone. YOU ARE AWESOME!!
you are amazing, simple as that 😀
I love how people are so picky about ‘you didn’t spend enough time in this country’ or ‘you counted your countries wrong’. It’s his journey, he can do whatever he likes. Get out there and do your own if you think you can do it better. Good on you, Graham! I enjoyed watching your video. Speaking as someone who adores travel but is not keen on public transportation or accommodations less than a 4-star Marriott, I genuinely admire your courage and sense of adventure! 🙂
Read some of the miserable messages and nit picking, really… I think what you did was amazing, and would love to see much more video footage of your travels. Are we going too
I am trying to find the best places you visited/toured. I want to go to India, Thailand, Costa Rica and Brazil next year. Not sure if they’re better places to go instead…
It’s a shame what some people write here. I think people do not get that it was not about experiencing every country (and by the way, those people who travel somewhere for 3 weeks (including myself) are not experiencing it neither……for that, you need to live there, work, speak the language, etc. Hanging with other so called backpackers and drinking beer on the beach does not make you experience a country).
So, anyways, I just wanted to express my respect for the four years you spent on this. Public transport all the time, no flights….damn, that is hard.
Greetings and keep on travelling
The best part is the last sentence. Jesus Christ is waiting for you Graham, and it is about time!
How much money did you spended on your trip around the world? How many days did you stay traveling?
Please answer me…
HI.. I Love so much tourism.. Sir u r great person. great job.. i want vist all world but my persnal metttars not allowed this good way/
if any person wants vist pakistan.. i will pervide all feslity….
Will you be bring out a book or diary? Well done
Maaaaaannnnnnnnn! You’re my idooooolll! It’s my dream!
u are amazing, since i was young i have always believed that life is a long trip¡¡¡an inspiration for many people¡¡
Greetings FROM MEXICO¡¡
Look in the mirror, you moron!!!
Well, you’re going to my llst of personal heroes! Sir, you have lived one of my dreams! The most important part? You showed me that it can be done. Thanks, and God bless.
Just found out that you were the one responsible for the “God Hates Flags” flag at this year’s Glastonbury.
Bloody brilliant, man! *applauds*
Super! See Abkhazia and Bougainville etc mentioned above… but what about the micro-nations like Hutt River in WA, and like the bloke in London who declared his flat independent ;P
Graham, I love your adventure. I met you in Dubai when you stayed with Ben and strangly against all odds saw you on a beach in Sri-Lanka when I was on vacation.
What an acheivement. You did yourself proud!
Excellent! You live the dream of many.
Post more experience and visa hurdles of each country.
Cheers to Travel!
I am20 years old. I left my country last July 20 with a
money of 5000Philippine Peso and to date
, i have been to six countries, . Singapore Thailand Malaysia
Macau Hong Kong China, BOth in Beijing and Shanghai.What I have seen and experienced
in my travels are unbelievable. The fact that I was able to do
what I did amazed my friends and family. I am travelling alone,
Im writing about all of it. It used to be impossible in my head.
my photos in facebook serve as journal for my journeys
x-cylle oliveros
Amazing Graham,i will look for you Dude.I want your 30minutes time talk.
Greets from Malta 🙂 would be interesting to hear how did you get from Italy to Malta to Tunisia
its in inspiring collection of adventure
Congratulations on your record. Looking forward to your travel story. Must be a great experience especially when you spent four days in a leaky boat… man that’s thrilling.
Aamir Khan
Congratulations. I am so Looking forward to your travel story. Must be a great experience especially when you spent four days in a leaky boat… man that’s thrilling.
Aamir Khan
it is an amazing feat, a true inspiration to every one who wants to go out there and see the world.
I just wanted to ask didn’t your Passport filled up, how did U manage the pages of passport for visas, were they enough or you got a new passport?
thanks & regards
I am so glad there were so many (likely) poor people to help you along the way. Sacrificing their time, gas, food for you to come home and make millions off of tv, book and movie deals! Kudos. I hope part of that advance goes towards your charity.. Perhaps a direct donation as opposed to crowd sourcing.
wow i admire you visiting all those countries..it is my dream to travel around the globe as well..wish to win the lottery to make it all come true..yay! all the best to you! just wondering how did you finance your travels…safe trips to you!
and indeed you are my idol now! i wish to see you in person! lolz!
well you miss one Puerto Rico you have to start all over again
I have meet Graham in person in 2010 while traveling on the ferry boat with my son jay and joy from Sandakan East Malaysia to Zamboanga Philippines….He’s very friendly and nice fellow…Congratulations Graham well done…
Well Done, Sir Graham!! I knew a British human would do this. You sir, are a global citizen for the ages. Brilliant!!
I’m impressed and inspired, I’m at 75 countries to date and now making plans for more – thanks, love what you did!!!!!!!!!!
go for it
Awesome stuff man, inspirational
its really amazing one.keep posting this type of articles its really supppperrrr…..
its really an amazing and wonderful article.keep posting like this
I’m following your steps 🙂
Quality posts is the secret to attract the users to go to see the site, that’s
what this web site is providing.
Hello Sir
Well to make it short am planning to do a trip to Cape Verde down in december and honestly i found the only way is to go on a boat since i ever don’t have that kind of money for the plane ticket and basicly i want to ask how to make it not illegal i mean i tought i go with same way not with fisherman but with some kind of cruises or something and first foot there to get my visa i mean that’s what i tought until i saw your vlog
Please reply
Thanks in advance
Well done Graham!
Awesome stuff. You are a superhero and super inspriation to me. Hope to do something at least 10% awesome someday.
how the hell you managed to get in Iraq, Afghanistan, and North Korea?
Absolutely amazing story!
Have you ever thought of writing a book?