Well, I was hoping to be back on the road by now, but as anyone who’s been watching the news in the last couple of weeks will tell you, this is not the best time to be mooching around the South Pacific IN A BOAT. Monster storms like Cyclone Yasi here would make short work of an aircraft carrier, never mind a Sloop John B.
So I’ve been spending my time wisely, I’ve been working on the book of my adventures, I’ve got myself an agent (finally!!) and a manager (finally finally!!). I’ve been in contact with fellow adventurers Tim Cope and Steve Crombie (who, interestingly enough, is one day older than me… must have been some solar activity around that time) and they’re really helped me out with getting my s— together.
I’ve had a couple of meeting with Lonely Planet and yes series two of Graham’s World will be made (one way or another). If it all goes completely pear-shaped I’ll edit the damn thing myself and stick it on YouTube for you all to watch for free.
The final 16 has become the final 17 as we welcome a cheeky bit of South Sudan into the League of Sovereign States. Good job, Juba!! I hear the vote was 99.57% for the split with the mad, corrupt, authoritarian north. If you think about it, it’ll make a much more satisfying ending to all this Odyssey madness, don’t you think? Also means I get to ‘do’ northern Kenya AGAIN! Back on top o’ that truck! Huzzah!
It’s been great to catch up with my friends and family here in Australia, which is (I guess) my second home. I been able to have as many baths as I like, stuff my face with Crunchy Nut Cornflakes with the ice-cold semi-skimmed milk dribbling down my chin, consume my bodyweight in Anzac Biscuits and Arnott’s Shapes and sleep in a proper bed for more than a few days at a time.
It had a great opportunity to do some tedious (but necessary) improvements to the website, such as getting the blogs in chronological order, correcting the dates and adding pictures and music into the mix. Woo!!
But, best of all, I’ve been able to reforge the tight bond between me and my girlfriend Mandy. Not many relationships could weather the storm of being separated for so long, but what we’ve got here is special. Damn special. And not special like a special bus going to a special school neither.

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who took me in or bought me a pint over the course of 2010, keep in touch and I’m sure I’ll see you again before long.
At the moment I’m beavering away on a kick-ass Chapter One of my book in order to secure an advance, which I can then spend finishing this crazy journey (I did mention I was skint didn’t I?). I’m not looking for megabucks!!
From October 2009 to today, I’ve been to over 60 countries – from Madagascar to Australia via Kyrgyzstan – and spent just £7,241. That’s it – about 450 quid a month, and most of that went on visas. If you knocked Libya, Saudi and Central Asia out of the equation, the costs would have been a lot less.
Just to put that into context, a train season ticket for 16 months worth of travel from Peterborough to London (that’s just 77 miles BTW) would set you back a whopping £8,309.
I know what I’d rather spend my money on…! 😉
Keep on Truckin’
Hello mate, I’ve been following you since day one from over here in Chile. I think it is truly amazing what you’ve achieved so far and can’t think of too many people who would have stuck at it – especially during the times when there seemed to be no way through (Kuwait, Cape Verde, PNG). If you complete this, and I’m sure you will, you will become a traveling legend and word will get around. I will give a couple of hundred pounds to Water Aid when you get to South Sudan.
Good work representing the Brits and good luck with the Pacific – just make sure those storms have passed first!
Thanks Steve. Here’s to South Sudan!!! 😉
Awe-inspiring my man.
Nuts, but awe-inspiring.
So when are you planning on heading back to PNG and starting the sailing thing around the islands.
DUNNO what the visas will be like for southern sudan. you would have to get one r a Sudan embassy or at the borde
With any luck I should be back in PNG at the beginning of March. Working on it!! As for South Sudan, when I was in Addis Ababa it was possible to get a South Sudan visa from there (I think). One way or another I hope to be there for July 9th… here goes nuthin’…!
Howz it going? Are you back on the road yet?
I’m looking forward to more adventure stories!
Hi Graham,
Just a quick note from the WaterAid team to see how things are going?
Thank you for raising so much money for us! We’ve been keeping up with your blog and we’re looking forward to the next stage of your journey!
Best of luck with everything!
I first stumbled upon your YouTube video in the early hours of 2009 while filling time on my shift in reception at the backpackers factory in London that is the Generator. I followed your vids for weeks, lost you somewhere in South America and found you in jail and musings about corruption and politics in Africa.
I fell pregnant while you struggled to clear Africa in the year and come New Year you were STILL on the same continent. As all hopes of mine for a massive overland trip across Eurasia back to Oz shrank as I grew, I kept the wanderlust that pushes the boundaries of my sanity at bay by living vicariously through your hilarious and insighful posts. Losing you again in Asia, it’s great to find you again, spending time in Melbs with your very patient girlfriend!
I admire your determination to cover the world. All travel adventures of mine are on hiatus for quite a few years so I (and probably many others) want to see you complete this mission!
Here’s to completing the Odyssey in 2011!
I have been doing reseach on the visit to Sri Lanka
Its about a ferry and it might be delayed
according to wikitravel:
By ship
The Tuticorin-Colombo ferry service, suspended for years due to the civil war, is set to restart services in March 2011.
You can take also Indian Shipping Lines cargo and passenger ship from Trivandrum cheaper than the planes. Sri Lanka port authority [10] has information.
Or if your smart like you did in the carabeen you would ask around for anyone going to sri lanka mainshore